Is Hypnosis Safe?
You might be wondering, “is it safe to get hypnotized“? Questions about the safety of hypnosis stems from wrong belief about the practice. These myths were perpetuated by the media and by stage hypnosis.
We’ve been led to believe that hypnosis involves putting a person through a trance-like state where they can’t control their bodies or recall what’s happened. Further, we have been bombarded with images where hypnotized people are made to look silly or commit things outside their will.
This is far from the truth.
Hypnosis, used in hypnotherapy is a very safe and is a scientifically-researched healing process. Hypnosis is not harmful at all. It is often conducted inside the office of the hypnotist or even via online video conferencing tools. As a result, hypnosis is not dangerous.
In fact, even on our own, we can get hypnotized! This happens every time we daydream.
People asking “is hypnosis safe?” “is hypnosis harmful?” or “is hypnosis dangerous?” need to understand what hypnosis is all about and debunk the wrong beliefs surrounding this alternative medical therapy.
This infographic sums up the FACTS vs MYTHS when it comes to hypnosis. Hopefully, this will convince you to give hypnotherapy a try. After all, hypnosis is perfectly safe.
Loss of control is the number one reason people are resistant to hypnosis. But once they understand that they remain in control the entire time, they willingly undergo it.
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You are 100% in control during hypnosis.
A lot of people are concerned that while under hypnosis, they will be made to do things outside their will. Stage hypnosis has led people to believe they can be made to say silly things or act out silly stuff under hypnosis.
This is not true. When you’re hypnotized, you can control your body. You even control your thoughts. You will never do or say anything you don’t want to under hypnosis.
During hypnosis, the hypnotist will suggest things to you but it is up to you to act on those suggestions. You will never be made to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.
Loss of control is the number one reason why people are resistant to hypnosis. But once they understand that they remain in control the entire time, they willingly undergo it.
When you are considering hypnotherapy, work with a hypnotist you can trust. This will allow you to easily “let go” and let the hypnotist put you in a state of relaxation where he will be suggesting things to you.
Again, these are suggestions. You are in control whether you will act on them or not. This is also the reason why you can lie even during hypnosis. No one can make you reveal secrets because you are still in control of what you’re doing.
You will remember everything after the hypnotherapy sessions.
Since you are 100% in control during hypnosis, you are also 100% fully aware of everything that’s happening. You will remember the suggestions made by the hypnotist. You will remember the thoughts you had. You will remember your surroundings.
At no point during the hypnotherapy session that you will be lost in control and forget what happened.
In fact, hypnotherapy is used to recall certain memories from the past. Our brain has a mechanism to store our memories in our subconscious mind. We “forget” some of them simply because they are not part of our active memories. But through the suggestions made by the hypnotist, we can access these subconscious memories.
Hypnotherapists uses this technique to cure certain issues such as pain due to loss, behavior changes and overcoming limiting beliefs.
At this point, you might be wondering “is hypnosis bad for your brain”? The straight answer is no. During hypnotherapy, you are placed in a relaxed state and your brain is also relaxed. It’s like you are in an active state of sleep. Your body becomes sluggish but your mind is fully alert.
This process doesn’t harm the brain in any way.
Hypnosis is a natural state our brains enter in. It happens as soon as we wake up and right before we fall asleep. You experience this when you’re working on a really good project and suddenly you forget how fast time flies. It even happens when we’re driving and suddenly, it seems we “automatically” get to our destination. Hypnosis happens to all of us – we are just not aware of it.
A hypnotherapist will guide you to enter this hypnosis state purposefully with the aim to impress imagery on your brain which will help address the goals for the session.

Everyone can be hypnotized.
You may think hypnosis is for weak and gullible people. Or that you are immune to hypnosis. As mentioned above, you can only be hypnotized if you allow yourself to be open to it. If you are willfully against it, you will never be hypnotized.
Without giving the hypnotist the control to put you on a relaxed state so you can enter hypnosis, you will never be hypnotized.
But, when you learn to trust and let go, then it’d be fairly easy for hypnosis to work on you. Even if you think you have difficulty relaxing, you’d be surprised that you don’t need to be deeply relaxed to benefit from hypnosis. Some hypnosis methods don’t even rely on physical relaxation. What’s need is for you to have adequate mental rest before your hypnotherapy session.
Studies have also shown that people who can focus and concentrate and have creative and vivid imaginations are better candidates for hypnosis. Gullibility, weak-mindedness or submissiveness doesn’t correlate with suggestibility (the ability to imprint impressions on your mind). Being hypnotized doesn’t mean you have a weak mind. On the contrary, hypnosis is most effective to those with stronger mental faculties
As you can see hypnosis is perfectly safe. There is nothing to be worried or afraid of when it comes to it. You can be hypnotized as long as you are open and willing to. This means you will be 100% in control during the entire hypnotherapy session.
Considering hypnosis to cure your pain? Or to change a certain bad habit? Check out this free quiz to find out if hypnosis is right for you.